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Ниже я выкладываю английские названия предметов, встречающихся в игре. Если вы знаете соответствие, пишите оба названия (англ. и рус.) на одной строчке. Если по каким-то причинам вы не уверены, соответствует ли название, которое вы видите в игре, английскому оргиналу, приведите, пожалуйста, его основные характеристики из описания.
Большое спасибо за помощь!
Body Armor
Annah's Vest
Bodice of the Godless Priestess
Bodice of the Perilous Quest
Dak'kon's Zerth Armor
Fall-From-Grace's Chastity Bodice
Jerkin of the Brazen Rogue
Jerkin of the Flitting Shadow
Vhailor's Mercykiller Armor
Antler Axe
Axe of Celestial Fire
Axe of the Jester
Battle Axe of Quality
Butcherer of Innocents
Crescent Hatchet
Edge of Oblivion
Enchanted Battle Axe
Entropic Blade (Axe)
Final Judgment
Hatred's Gift
Acidic Sponge Bolts
Bolts of Acheron
Bolts of Kessek the Devourer
Bolts of Whistling Doom
Bolts of Wincing
Jagged Bolts
Nordom's Crossbow Bolts
Rule-of-Three Crossbow Bolts
Winged Bolts
Zephyr Bolts
Bell's Shield
Dread Bond
Magus Guard
Magus Shield
Spider Bracelet
Black-Barbed Charm
Blood Charm
Blood Fly Charm
Bone Charm
Charcoal Charm
Charm of Infinite Recall
Clot Charm
Cockroach Charm
Corpse Fly Charm
Cranium Rat Charm
Dirty Rat Charm
Dustman Embalming Charm (Greater)
Dustman Embalming Charm (Lesser)
Heart Charm
Knot Charm
Quint's Poison Charm
Rat Charm
Thrice-Blind Charm
Clubs & Maces
Baatezu Mace
Blind Terror
Club of Celestial Fire
Club of Nettles
Club of Piercing
Death of Desire
Devil's Due
Entropic Blade (Club)
Fiend Femur
Heaven and Earth
Pharod's Crutch
Severed Arm
The Justifier
Vrock Club
Daggers & Knives
Adahn's Dagger
Bone Dagger
Dagger of Celestial Fire
Fiend's Blood Dagger
Kaarlac's Knife
Notched Dagger
Phantom Dagger
Porphatys Dagger
Uhir's Knife
Amber Earrings
Anarchist Earring
Chained-Teeth Earrings
Crimson Sphere Earring
Dustman Earring
Fall-From-Grace's Earrings
Obsidian Earring
Rule-of-Three Earring
Stinger Earring
Edged Weapons
Blade of the Immortal
Celestial Fire
Chaos Feather
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade
Entropic Blade (Edged)
Last Resort
Mad Splinter
Ravel's Fingernail
Angle-Less Eye
Eye of Vecna
Kaleidoscopic Eye
The Fiendish Eye of Kalem'Dar
Entropic Blade (Fists)
Gauntlets of Celestial Fire
Gauntlets of Rending
Gauntlets of Teeth
Shards of Fate
Spiked Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Brimstone Hammer
Enchanted Hammer
Entropic Blade (Hammer)
Hammer of Comminution
Hammer of Quality
Beer Goggles
Lens of Confounding
Lens of Inherent Viciousness
Lens of Perspicacity
Lens of Seeing Double
Lens of the Bat
Lens of the Horizon
Magnifying Lens
Nordom's Ocular
Retractable Scope
Stealth Lens
Time's Eyepiece
Abyssal Pipe
Adder's Tear
Ancient Scroll (Wish Scroll)
Ashes of the Pabulum
Blessed Candy
Clipped Copper Piece
Crunchity Candy
Decanter of Endless Water
Dhall's Quill Pen
Divine Censer
Fanged Mirror of Yehcir-Eya
Frosty Mint Candy
Gordian Knot
Heart of the Fosterer
Holy Candy
Jar of Embalming Fluid
Kasseg, Cerebral Parasite
Lucky Candy
Mechanus Candy
Minaurosian Chocolate
Mirror of Imaging
Negative Token
Quivering Candy
Sadistic Frame
Scent of the Storm
Shackles of Light
Stinky Chocolate
Stone Gullet of L'Phahl the Gross
Tear of Salieru-Dei
Tears of Sorrow
The Grimoire of Pestilential Thought
Whispering Flask
Whistle of Warding
Xachariah's Heart
Punch Daggers
Annah's Punch Daggers
Assassin's Knuckles
Enchanted Punch Daggers
Magic Punch Daggers
Mark of the Savant
Punch Daggers of Moorin
Punch Daggers of Shar
Punch Daggers of True Death
Punch Daggers of Zar'Anun
Siphon Knuckles
Spiked Knuckles
Umei Kaihen
Aegis of Torment
Deionarra's Wedding Ring
Deionarra's Wedding Ring (Enhanced)
Displacer Ring
Gehraise's Ring
Mempa's Biting Ring
Ring of Almost Invisibility
Ring of Fallen Stars
Ring of the Traveler
Ring of Thex
Ring Zero
Serpent Ring
Twisted Ring
Rods & Wands
Black-Barbed Branch Wand
Rod of Modron Might
Shamanic Rod
Fiend's Teeth
Ingress' Teeth
Teeth of the Fire Drake
Teeth of the Viper