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#1 Laiza Hollyfield

Laiza Hollyfield


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Отправлено 11 марта 2006 - 22:36

EN - Frozen Infernal Satanic Heils!!!
RU - Добрый день/вечер/утро/ночь (нужное подчеркнуть)!

Я играю в TES 3 Morrowind уже третий год,и за это время накопилось много вопросов по игре.
Задам наиболее волнующие,надеюсь,Вы сможете мне помочь.Итак:

1) В Вивеке аптекарша Аруан Фрернис поручила мне найти цветки Золотого Канета под названием Слеза Роланда,растущие якобы близ развалин неподалёку от Вивека.Мне не удалось найти эти цветки,хотя облазила указанные руины.

2) По одному из квестов я должна найти ординатора Ферила Салмина, или же артефакт,который нужно вернуть храму - Волосяную Рубаху Святого Аралора,если ординатор мёртв. Предполагается,что ординатор должен находиться в Lost Kogoruhn. У меня два вопроса:

- я нашла и исследовала руины под названием Kogoruhn и всю близлежащую местность, в том числе пещеры и так далее, исследовала каналы под Когоруном,но не нашла ни рубахи,ни ординатора.Что делать?
- возможно, Kogoruhn и Lost Kogoruhn - это две разных локации, но где же тогда необходимая?

3) Домом Хлаалу было дано задание: защитить место под назвнием Одирниран,находящееся на побережье Азуры на запад от Церкви Азуры и к югу от руин Нчурдамз. Я нашла Нчурдамз (точно не Нчардумз),но никак не обнаружу Одирниран - оббегала всё побережье безрезультатно.Как быть?

4)И,наконец,вопрос полегче: я прошла подавляющее большинство квестов от Гильдии Воров (один запорола - украденное у меня изъяли ординаторы),и Аэнгот Ювелир сказал,что я могу обратиться к Джиму Стейси,который обретается в Вивеке в Форейн Квотер в магазине книг.В этом кантоне есть только магазин Редких книг Джобаши,но там Джима Стейси нет.Почему?И где его ещё можно попробовать найти?

Надеюсь на Вашу помощь,заранее спасибо!

Laiza Hollyfield

ЗЫ - вот характеристики машины и игры,на всякий случай,хотя,по-моему,они тут ни при чём.:
Morrowind: Tribunal и Bloodmoon,пиратка
Конфигурация машины: Pentium 4,512 mb, Radeon 9600 видюха и саундкарта Creative Audigy 2.HDD Samsung 200 Gb.

Это сообщение отредактировано hasherfrog - 14 марта 2006 | 11:11

#2 Famas


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Отправлено 11 марта 2006 - 22:46

Магазин книг находится на уровне каналов. И Джим Стейси "запер" за дверью. Полазай получше - найдешь бес труда. С остальным не помогу, не проходил. За гильдию воров все прошел

#3 Twilight


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Отправлено 11 марта 2006 - 23:02

2Laiza Hollyfield

Честно говоря,ты стока всего понаписала,что я была в легком шоке.На все вопросы ответов не знаю ,но вот на большое кол-во:)))В остальном тебе помогут,у нас народ добрый:))

1)Аруан Фрернис-это да....Так вот.У тех руин ,куда она тебя посылает,на северо-западном берегу,растет золотой кенет.Рядом с ним иже же ,растут слезы Роланда.Посмотри внимательно:))))Там маленький островок,так что обыскивать много не придется.
2)Гильдия Воров-все парились,не ты одна:D Короче,смысл в том,что в квартале иностранцев,в рабочей части,нада спуститься вниз,в канализационную систему.Там ты увидишь несколько дверей.Одна из них будет обзываться гробницей.Проходишь ее насквозь,попутно убивая скелетов ,привидений и прочую лабудень.Когда полностью пройдешь,увидишь вторую дверь.Выйдешь.Там будет книжный магазин,прямо в той же локации.Заходишь,тихонько взламываешь дверь в задней части комнаты,там и стоит господин Джим Стейси.
3)Kogoruhn -там только один.Он находиться в локации Красной Горы.А ординатор там и впрямь валяется:)))))Просто или поищи внимательно или у тебя может слегка глучнуло:)))))Но скорее первое:))
4)Дом Хлаалу мне такого задания не давал.Хотя я к ним вступила...
Вот так.

Это сообщение отредактировано Twilight - 11 марта 2006 | 23:03

#4 Artem13


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Отправлено 13 марта 2006 - 09:27

Ординатор в Когоруне валяется снаружи. Обыщи внимательнее все пространство, огороженное бортиком :)

Ординиран правее-ниже Нч....этого-самого. Как увидишь велотийский купол, начинай нарезать круги вокруг, найдешь вход....

#5 Krechet



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Отправлено 10 апреля 2006 - 17:28

Если влом искать какое-либо место, или шоб не мучать себя вопросом: "А нет ли еще места со схожим названием" юзайте это:
(прошу прощения за объем текста и англяз)

Each location has name, type (cave, Dwemer ruin, Daedra Shrine, tomb or
other type) and coordinates. I also add some remarks for some locations after
their coordinates. For example the record "1 east" means "1 square east".

Ahemussa camp Ashlander's camp 2 north from Vos
Ald-ruhn city available by silt strider
Ald Daedroth Shrine 4 east and 2 south from Dagon Fel
Ald Redaynia tower 3 north from Urshilaku camp
Ald Sotha Shrine 1 east and 1 north from east Vivec
Ald Velothi small town 4 north from Gnisis
Andasreth Stronghold 1 north from Khartag point
Arvel Plantation farm 2 east and 2 north from north Pelagiad or 1
north from Dren Plantation
Ashamawia Shrine 1 west from Ald Velothi
Ashurnabitashpi Shrine 4 west and one north from Khuul
Ashurnibibi Shrine 1 north and 1 west from Hla Oad
Bal Isra region/stronghold 2 north and 3 west
Bal Fel Shrine 1 north from north Suran. If you are a
vampire then speak with Molag Bal statue in this shrine.
Bal Fell Shrine 3 south from Mzahnch ruin
Balmora city available by Silt Strider
Berandas stronghold one east from Koal Cave
Buckmoth legion fort fort near Ald-ruhn
Caldera town available from Mages Guild travel
Dagon Fel small town available by boat
Dagoth Ur Dwemer 4 north from Ghostgate
Dren Plantation farm 2 east from north Pelagiad . You can find
Orvas Dren and a LOT OF money here.
Ebonheart town available by boat
Erabenimsun camp Ashlander's camp 2 south and 2 west from Tel Fyr
Falasmaryon stronghold 3 north and 1 west from Maar Gan
Falensarano stronghold 3 west and 2 north from Yansirramus
Field of Kummu small region read "Pilgrim's Path" book
Ghostgate stronghold 4 east and 1 south from Buckmoth legion
fort. Before fighting Dagoth Ur in the main quest go there and speak with
soldier Wulf in this stronghold and receive his luck coin.
Gnaar Mok small town available by boat
Gnisis town available by silt strider
Hla Oad small town available by boat
Hlormaren stronghold 2 west and 1 north from west Balmora
Holamayan stronghold 3 east and 3 north from Nchurdamz on the
island. To open the doors to this stronghold wait until 6.00. a.m. or 6.00.
Khartag point small region 1 north and one west from Gnaar Mok
Koal cave cave 1 south from Gnisis
Kogoruhn stronghold 2 north and 3 west from Maar Gan
Khuul small town available by boat and by silt strider
Maar Gan town available by silt strider
Marandus stronghold 4 north and 2 west from north Suran
Molag Mar town available by silt strider
Moonmoth legion fort fort near Balmora
Mount Assarnibibi small region 5 north and 1 east from east Molag Mar
Mount Kand small region 1 west and 3 north from west Molag Mar
Mzahnch Dwemer 4 east from east Vivec (search island)
Mzuleft Dwemer 1 south and 1 west from Dagon Fel. Find "Egg
of time" book here and keep it.
Nchuleft Dwemer 2 west and 2 south from Tel Vos
Nchulefting Dwemer 1 west and 3 north from Mount Kand. Find
"Hanging Gardens" book here and keep it.
Nchurdamz Dwemer 6 east and 2 north from east Molag Mar
Odrosal Dwemer 3 north and 1 east from Ghostgate
Pelagiad small town 3 east and 2 north from Seyda Neen
Odai Plateau region/farm 1 east from Hla Oad
Rotheran stronghold 3 south from Mzuleft ruin
Sadrith Mora city available by boat
Sanctus Shrine small house 3 north and 2 west from Urshilaku camp. If
you steal the Sermoni book from the chest in the house then you receive 50000
Seyda Neen small town available by silt strider
Suran town available by Silt Strider
Tel Aruhn town available by boat
Tel Branora town available by boat
Tel Fyr tower 5 south from Tel Aruhn on the island near
Tel Mora town available by boat
Tel Vos Telvanni fort 1 west from Vos
Telasero stronghold 4 east from south Suran
Tureynulal Dwemer 5 north and two east from Ghostgate
Urshilaku camp Ashlander's camp 5 west and 1 north from Khuul
Uvirith's Grave region/tower 5 west from Tel Fyr
Valenvaryon stronghold 3 west from Urshilaku camp
Vas tower 4 north and 1 west from Urshilaku camp
Vemynal Dwemer 3 north and two east from north Ald-ruhn
Vivec city available by silt strider and by boat. This
city is the biggest city in the Morrowind.
Vos town available by boat
Wolverine Hall fort near Sadrith Mora
Yansirramus Shrine 1 south and 3 west from Tel Aruhn on the
island. Speak with Daedra lord Molag Mar statue to receive the quest for Molag
Mar mace.
Zainab camp Ashlander's camp 3 south and 3 east from south Vos
Zaintiraris Shrine 3 south from Molag Mar
Zergonipal Shrine 1 north and 5 west from Tel Vos

Part 2 Unknown locations
Here is a list of some unknown locations.


Abaelun Mine mine 2 east and 1 north from Caldera
Abebaal egg mine egg mine 2 north from Tel Branora
Abinabi 6-th house cave 2 south from Urshilaku camp
Addamasartus cave 1 east from north Seyda Neen
Adibael's Yurt yurt 1 east from Zaintiraris
Adrano Anc. tomb tomb 1 south and 1 west from south Pelagiad
Ahinipalit cave 2 south from Yansirramus
Ainat cave 2 north from Nchurdamz
Akimaes-Ilanipu egg mine 1 north from Falasmaryon
Andavel Anc. tomb tomb 3 east from Ald Redaynia
Alas Anc. tomb tomb 1 north and 2 west from mount
Assarnibibi. Take rusty dagger from Varner Hlerag's corpse and bring it to
Mehrunes Dagon statue in Yasammidan shrine.
Almurbarammi Shrine 3 east and 1 south from east Molag Mar
Andalen Anc. tomb tomb 3 east and 1 south from Erabenimsun
Andalor Anc. tomb tomb south of Vos (more) and east of Zainab
Andre Maul's tower Dwemer 1 north from Dagon Fel. Find and speak
with Andre Maul about a lot of things in Morrowind.
Ansi cave 2 east from Vivec Temple on the island
Anudnabia Shrine 1 east from Sadrith Mora. The door is
blocked and you can access this Shrine from Omaren Anc. tomb (north-east).
Search for Skull Crusher in the Forgotten treasury.
Arenim Anc. tomb tomb 2 north and 1 west from Holamayan
Arkngthand Dwemer 1 north and 1 east from Moonmoth Legion
Arkngthunch Dwemer 1 south and 3 west from Ald Velothi
Ashalmimilkala Shrine on the island west from Hlormaren
Ashanammu cave 1 west and 1 south from Caldera near
Caldera mining company
Ashimanu Egg mine egg mine 2 east and 1 south from Berandas
Ashmelech big tomb 3 south and 1 east from Sanctus Shrine.
Aundae vampires headquarters.
Ashirbadon cave 1 east from east Bal Fell on the small
island. Kill Drethan and take Warlock's ring .
Ashunartes Shrine 1 west from Marandus
Assarnatamat Shrine 2 south and 2 east from Caldera
Assemanu 6-th house cave 2 south and 2 east from south Seyda
Assu cave in the same square as Mount Kand
Assurdirapal Shrine 1 west from Sanctus Shrine. Speak with
Malacath's statue for quest.
Assurnabitashpi Shrine west of Urshilaku camp and north-east
of Khuul
Astral Burial big cave 3 south and 1 east from Urshilaku camp.
Kill ghost and take Bonebiter bow which is needed for main quest.
Band egg mine egg mine 3 west from Caldera
Baram Anc. tomb tomb on the island north-west from Sadrith
Mora and north of Tel Aruhn
Beshara cave 2 south from Ald Sotha
Big Head's Shack house very north from Ald Redaynia on the
island. Some enchanted items here.
Bthungthumz Dwemer 3 south from Ashurnabitashpi
Cavern of the Incarnate Azura cavern 2 west and 1 north from Nchuleft. You
can enter the cavern only at the dusk or damn.
Caldera mine mine 1 west and 1 south from Caldera
Drath Anc. tomb tomb 1 south and 1 west from Urshilaku camp
Drethan Anc. tomb tomb 3 east from Rotheran on the island.
Kill the vampire Marara in the tomb and take very usefull Marara's
ring(constant effect: reflect 20%, acrobatics +20, resist normal weapons 40%).
Drulene Falen's hut house 1 north and 2 east from Andasreth
Druscashti Dwemer 1 south and 2 west from Urshilaku camp.
Quarra vampire clan headquarters.
Dubdila cave 3 south and 1 west from Vos
Dulo Anc. Tomb tomb 4 west and 1 south from Uvirith's grave
Dushariran Shrine 2 west from Bal Isra
Ebernanit Shrine 2 south and 2 east from Valenvaryon
Esutanamus shrine 3 south and 2 east from Vos on the
Favel Anc. tomb tomb 4 west from Ahemussa camp
Galom Daeus Dwemer 2 west and 1 south from Uvitith's grave
near lava. Vampire clan Berne headquarters.
Habinbaes cave 4 west and 2 north from Dagon Fel
Hanud cave 5 east and 1 south from Zainab camp
Hinnabi cave 1 south from Mzahnch ruin
Hlervu Anc. tomb tomb 3 east and 3 south from Nchurdamz
Ibar-Dad cave 2 west from Urshilaku camp and
north-east of Khuul. Some useful Daedric items there .
Ilunibi 6-th house cave 1 north and 1 west from Gnaar Mok in
the Khartag point region. Search for Fists of Randagulf when completing the
main quest.
Indalen Anc. tomb tomb 1 north and 1 east from Caldera (very
Indaren Anc. tomb tomb 1 north and 1 west from Zergonipal
Indoranyon stronghold 5 east and 2 south from Zainab camp
near the coast
Kaushtarari shrine 3 east and 1 south from Tel Fyr on the
Kora-Dur cave 2 east from Kogoruth
Kudanat cave 2 west from Caldera
Llando Anc. tomb tomb 2 south and 2 west from Valenvaryon
Maelu egg mine egg mine west from Falensarano
Mallapi cave 1 north and 1 east from Gnaar Mok
Maran Adon cave near cave Tin-Ahhe (more west)
Matus-Akin egg mine 2 east from Mount Assarnibibi
Mawia small tower 2 east and 3 south from east Molag Mar
Milk cave 2 south and 1 west from Bal Isra
Minabi cave 3 south and 1 west from Telasero on the
Missamsi cave 2 east and 1 north from east Balmora
Morvani Anc. tomb tomb 2 south from Zaintiraris. There is an
entrance to Tukushapal from this tomb where some good loot.
Mzanchend Dwemer 2 north and 2 west from Uvirith's grave
Nalit cave on the island north-west from Tel Aruhn
Nammu cave 1 west and 1 north from Yansirramus
Nchardahrk Dwemer 2 south and 2 east from Mzuleft
Nchardumz Dwemer 1 south and 1 east from mount
Nelas Anc. tomb tomb on the small island north from Vas
Nerano Anc. tomb tomb 2 west from Tel Vos
Nund cave 1 east from Vivec St. Olms
Odaishah's Yurt yurt 2 south and 1 east from Yansirramus
Odibaal cave 1 north from Bal Isra
Odirniran small tower 2 south from Nchurdamz
Omani Manor manor 3 east from Vivec St. Olms
Omaren Anc. tomb tomb 2 east from Sadrith Mora on the coast
Onnissiralis Shrine 1 west from Vas on the small island
Orethi Anc. tomb tomb 2 east and 1 south from Sanctus Shrine
Piernette's farmhouse house 1 east and 1 north from north-east
Vivec. There is a master of Destruction magic near this house. She can train
you to 100 Destruction.
Pinsum cave 3 south and 1 east from Vos
Pudai egg mine 3 east from Sanctus Shrine
Punabi cave 2 north from Marandus on the road
Punsabanit cave 3 north and 1 east from Rotheran
Ramimilk Shrine 1 south and 1 east from south Ald-ruhn
Ravira Anc. tomb tomb 1 north and 1 west from Molag Mar on
the coast
Rayna Drolan's Shack house 5 west and 2 north from Dagon Fel on
the island
Redas Anc. tomb tomb 1 east from Zaintiraris
Salmantu cave 1 north from Holamayan
Salothran Anc. tomb tomb 2 south and 2 west from Bal Isra
Sandas Anc. tomb tomb 2-3 west from Bal Ur
Sanit 6-th house cave 4 east from Zergonipal
Sarano Anc. tomb tomb 2 north from Fields of Kummu
Saren Anc. tomb tomb 2 east and 3 north from Moonmoth Legion
Sarethi Anc. tomb tomb 3 west and 2 north from Dagon Fel
Sargon cave 3 west and 1 south from Sanctus Shrine
Senim Anc. tomb tomb 2 south and 1 east from Dagon Fel. Some
useful artifact (the Ring of Phynaster) there.
Serano Anc. tomb tomb near Galom Daeus just go a little
north-east. Some vampires there.
Sethan Anc. tomb tomb 1 south from Zainab camp
Sha-Adrius cave 3 south and 1 west from Ashurnabitashpi
Shallit cave 3 east and 1 north from Rotheran on the
island near water (some good loot here)
Shashpilamat Shrine 1 north from Nchurdamt
Shashurari camp yurt 2 south from Uvirith's Grave
Shishara small tower 3 south and 1 east from Ghostgate
Shishi cave 3 west and 1 south from Falasmaryon
Shrine of Azura Shrine 2 east and 2 south from Nchurdamz near
the coast. Speak with Azura statue to take her quest.
Shrine of Boethiah Shrine(ruined)1-2 west from Ashurnibibi under the
water. Speak with ruined Boethiah's head
Shushishi cave 2 east from Caldera
Sinamussa egg mine 1 west(I'm not sure) from Ahemussa camp
Sjorvar Horse-Mouth's house house 3 east and 1 north from Gnaar Mok. Nord
Sjorvar is a Blades trainer and can train you in blunt weapon, long blade and
Sudanit egg mine 1 south and 2 east from south Ald-ruhn
Sulipund small tower 2 north from Marandus
Surirulk cave 2 north from Rotheran
Telvayn Anc. tomb tomb 1 east and 2 north from Gnaar Mok
Thalas Anc. tomb tomb 3 east and 2 south from Caldera
Thiralas Anc. tomb tomb 5 east and 2 north from Falensarano
near the coast
Tin-Ahhe cave west from Nchuleft and south from
Tuselend Shrine 1 east and 1 south from Erabenimsun
Ularradallaku Shrine 1 west from Dagoth Ur
Uveran Anc. tomb tomb 1-2 west and 2 south from Caldera
Venim Anc. tomb tomb 1 north from Zainab camp. You can find
Bow of Shadows here.
Verelnim Anc. tomb tomb 2 south and 4 east from Tel Fyr on the
Yakanalit cave 1 east and 1 north from east Bal Fell
Yasammidan Shrine 1 south and 5 west from Ald Velothi
near water. Speak with Mehrunes Dagon statue to receive his quests. The reward
is Mehrunes Razor dagger.
Zainsipilu cave 2 north and 2 west from north Seyda
Zebabi cave 2 east from Erabenimsun camp
Zenarbael cave 1 east from Uvirith's grave

#6 Андрей



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Отправлено 29 ноября 2017 - 05:51

Тот Ординатор которого ты ищешь находится около входа в гору Канд на скале лежит.


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