If I select this option that sends you to a node that says you attack me, what happens if my response nodes have no text? Does Click to Continue the only option that shows up? And will scripting actions set there (such as Enemy sets) actually take place? What about it, poo-face?
If this response takes me to one of Morte's nodes, and there are no response nodes for Morte's nodes, what happens?
The first node is a very exciting node, often the first in a dialogue.
This should lead to Node 3. ACTION VARIABLES were removed from this responce. The variable was entered as an Area when it was a Global in the DB.
SetGlobal("FedEx", "Global", 10)
SetGlobal("Aoskar", "AR3006D", 1)
Hey, no reason to get all bent out of shape, Just making sure.
MORTE_DEAD is now 0.
Next I'll set it to 1 and immediately check it's value in the next node's replies.
There are two replies for this node, and only one of them should be visible. Hopefully it's the one which tells you that MORTE_DEAD is 1.
This is node 2, linked from node 1.
Также нашлись десятки записей "Null Node".